If your attempts to lift someone out of negativity are unsuccessful, you have to move on. They will get to a better place when they’re ready to get to a better place and no one will get there if they’re not ready, whether they are pushed or not.
Measured objectively, what a man can wrest from Truth by passionate striving is utterly infinitesimal. But the striving frees us from the bonds of the self and makes us comrades of those who are the best and the greatest.
There is this my cousin that always been negative about everything and he love to win every arguments, but my problem is that i know how to push people away from me, so i tried to change him to be positive. I let him know how been negative is a bad behavior. I thank I'm successful to do that we are happy together now.
As for the search for truth, I know from my own painful searching, with its many blind alleys, how hard it is to take a reliable step, be it ever so small, towards the understanding of that which is truly important.
A person who is religiously enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to the best of his ability, liberated himself from the fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he clings because of their superpersonal value.
Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Very true!!! Anyone craving for a best life will always run away from negativity which means running from carriers of negativity, or rather he/she should try influencing those negative people to turn into positive people by way of showing them examples of what positive thoughts can actually help them live a best life. 🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵 Once we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward. 🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵 Wise men are always with wise friends, positive men are always with positive friends, rich men are always with rich friends. 🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵🤵 Good morning everyone, Ilknur thanks for always bringing up interesting topics to talk about. 😀💕
Olumsuz insanlarla yaşamaya da alışık olmak gerekiyor, çünkü sen onları aramadan bile, onların seni bulabilecekleri bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. O zaman, onlarla yaşama alışkanlığı edinmeki lazım ki, mutlu olabilelim.
Zorlukların göbeğinde fırsatlar yatıyor. En değerli kişiler alçakgönüllü olanlardır. Gerçeğin bilgisi deneyle başlar, deneyle biter. Genelde insanlığın kaderi, hak ettiği olacaktır. Gerçeği aramak onu elde etmekten daha kıymetlidir. Dahiliğin mutlak bir sınırı vardır, aptallığın asla. Dehanın 10’da 1’i yetenek 10’da 9’u da çalışmaktır. Hayat düşünenler için komedi, hissedenler için facia. Hayal bilimden daha önemlidir, çünkü bilim sınırlıdır. Açlıktan karnı guruldayandan dürüst politikacı olmaz. Yolculuk etmeyi seviyorum ama varmaktan nefret ederim. Sorunlar, onları yaratanların mantığı ile çözümlenemez. Evrenin en anlaşılmaz özelliği anlaşılabilir olmasıdır. İnancı dışlayan bilim topal, bilimi dışlayan din kördür. Bir hatayı iki defa tekrar etmeyen en mükemmel insandır. Neden beni hiç kimse anlamıyor, ama herkes beni seviyor? Böyle olacağını bilseydim, bir ayakkabı tamircisi olurdum. İnsan aklın sınırlarını zorlamadıkça hiçbir şeye ulaşamaz. Hiçbir şeyi riske atmamak, aslında herşeyi riske atmaktır. Bu dünyada beni birkaç kişi anladı, onlar da yanlış anladı. Güzel gençler doğanın eseridir, güzel yaşlılar ise sanatın. Eğer gerçeği açıklamak istiyorsan, zarafeti terziye bırak. Sağduyu, onsekizine kadar edindiğimiz önyargılar toplamıdır. Aynı anda, hem savaşa hazırlanıp, hem de savaşı önleyemezsiniz. Büyük idealler uğruna önce küçük bir azınlık savaşım vermiştir. Herkesin fikir birliğine vardığı bir akşam, kayıp bir akşamdır. Gerçek yalnızca bir ilüzyondur, ama bitmek bilmeyen bir ilüzyon. Eleştiriyi kabul etmeyen, başarısına inandıracak kimseyi bulamaz. Bir ülkenin geleceği o ülke insanlarının göreceği eğitime bağlıdır Önyargıları yok etmek, atom çekirdeğini parçalamaktan daha zordur. Hayat bisiklet gibidir,dengeyi kaybetmemek için ilerlemek gerekir. Takdir ediliyorsan değil, Taklit ediliyorsan başarmışsın demektir. Ben gelecek için hiç bir endişe duymadım. O yeterince hızlı geliyor. Gelecekte başarılı olacak insanlar, geçmişten çalışarak ulaşmalıdır. Eğitim, insanın okulda öğrendiği her şeyi unuttuğunda arta kalandır. Ancak başkaları için yaşanan bir hayat, yaşamaya değer bir hayattır. Büyük güce sahip egemen devletler olduğu sürece savaş kaçınılmazdır. Bilim, her günkü düşünmelerimizin saflaşmasından başka bir şey değildir. Mutlu olmak istiyorsan, bir amaca bağlan; insanlara ya da еşyalara dеğil.
Place your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's the relativity. Einstein
If I could give you one thing in life, I do give you the ability to see youselfy through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me
If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.
Once we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward.
Once we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward.
Negative people always try'na convince you to do the wrong deed because they have the devilish solution to your problem and you won't know about that you may just thought you are doing the right thing so therefore always stay away from the negative people
Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.
Hail to the man who went through life always helping others, knowing no fear, and to whom aggressiveness and resentment are alien.......😃😀🙂🙃
God please Protect me from my friends I can take care of my enemies be careful with people comes around us because not everyone they intention is good always be careful
In every where and every time we found negative people . This does not mean that we give up . because no time to think about failaure ( life is short ) .we must a chieve allour dreams during this short time by trying and trying and never give up
Albert Einsten tiene razón. Solo aquellos que te aconsejan hacer cosas buenas ; son aquellos a quienes debes mantener amistad. Excelente publicación mi amor .
في كل مكان وكل مرة وجدنا أشخاصًا سلبيين. هذا لا يعني أننا نستسلم. لأنه لا يوجد وقت للتفكير في الفشل (الحياة قصيرة). يجب أن نحلم بكل أحلامنا خلال هذه الفترة القصيرة من خلال المحاولة والمحاولة ولا نستسلم أبدًا
In every where and every time we found negative people . This does not mean that we give up . because no time to think about failaure ( life is short ) .we must a chieve allour dreams during this short time by trying and trying and never give up
Place your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's the relativity. Einstein
es grandioso este texto y su relacion con la realidad practica. y puede que esto suceda muy a menudo. caemos en el avismo de la negatividad y no nos damos cuenta... tal vez Einstein tiene mucha razon
this text and its relationship with practical reality is great. and this may happen very often. we fall into the warning of negativity and we do not realize it ... maybe Einstein is very right
We love this blog. And of course we love you too, İlknur ... You have always been very successful. Your road is very clear. Our prayers are with you. WE KNOW YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL. Together we are always the best ... #thebestlifethefirstlight
Who is your breath of life? Who fills your life? Who gives you food? Who saves you from the hand of your enemies? Who woke you up today? Who gives you happiness? Who gives you joy in your heart? Who gave you your little child? , which ensures that you always have your personality respected and maintained in everyday life ?, which causes your activities to evolve ?, who gave you wealth? Without delay, here I give you the real answer: * It is the only God the father, and his beloved child, the Lord Jesus Christ * What do you think?
If someone says he is doing the works of God, and he does not believe in the beloved only son of God * Lord Jesus Christ *, then that person is mistaken. For, the works of God is to believe in him whom God sent to save the world. * Lord Jesus Christ *. No one will go into the kingdom of God without the Son of God. * The Lord Jesus Christ *
Love 💗 love love everything is LOVE for the best life. As soon as we start our new fresh day we think what Firstlight post on the blog for us both today for making us happy 😃 we are truly so happy here ❤️
Amor 💗 amor amor todo es AMOR por la mejor vida. Tan pronto como comenzamos nuestro nuevo día, pensamos lo que Firstlight publica en el blog para ambos hoy por hacernos felices 😃 estamos realmente tan felices aquí ❤️
If God could give a beautiful face or beauty to the flowers of the bush, then God will also give beauty to your life. for it is for your sake that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified so that you may have salvation.
The best thing is to help the negative person in his life to change his way of life, if you do not succeed in convincing him, run away from him or infect you with his own negative virus, and you will end up like him.
Look we shouldn’t effect by the negative minds but Albert was the one Of the best scientists who changed the world by their Thoughts with a better way but we all did mistakes n act sometimes Negative mind bout something won’t be cleared for us So nobody has the perfection but we act positive mind n incredibly is the Intelligence
God’s time is the best. You just have to be patient and trust God. Everything will be better and fall into place. God is the best relationship that you can have. You did not even knock on God open doors. Thank you God for everything l have. Believe in that God is opening a new door in your life.
Don’t Change Yourself Quotes makes you encourage about positive life. How the way you can make your life easier and enjoyable for living with high quality level so that you will be the first one to find out the brightness of yourself and let people realise about it as well. Let’s check them out what quotes are those that l am eager to share with… You Are The Best Don’t change yourself for anyone. If they don’t like you lt also means that they don’t deserve you. Why you should change yourself for the sake of pleasing others? Never change yourself to make people happy. Because no one can play your role better than you. You are unique in your own way. If people don’t appreciate the way you are, you can also find someone else who will. So that you don’t need to change yourself to impress them. Because they should be only impressed that you don’t change to please others. Even if we have always been afraid of what other people think, don’t ever change yourself for anyone. So people w...
Eid Mubarak l wish you and your loved ones a very delightful Eid. May Allah accept all your prayers and forgive all your sins. Eid Mubarak Let’s be thankful to Allah for he has granted all Muslims with such a beautiful day. Eid Mubarak to you all. May Allah bless you with happiness and joyful your best life with warmth and peace. Eid Mubarak May the great Allah bestow countless blessing upon you and your family. Eid Mubarak to you l wish all you a blessed Eid.
Negative people are usually very committed… to being negative! … and the more you push them to be anything else, the more they will push back.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis is a quote i would easily agree with. Negative people truly have a problem for every solution that exist. God keep us all from negative people
Deletegood luck
Deletethanks for the wisdom
DeleteI work with people like that they always suppress me because I always say that everything will work out.
DeleteIf your attempts to lift someone out of negativity are unsuccessful, you have to move on. They will get to a better place when they’re ready to get to a better place and no one will get there if they’re not ready, whether they are pushed or not.
ReplyDeletethis is a truth
DeleteYou are great
DeleteThere are no accidents. Everyone comes into your life for a reason, a lesson or a blessing.
DeleteHayallerinin gerçek olmasını istiyorsan ilk yapman gereken şey uyanmaktır. Günaydın..
ReplyDeleteThe people in your life should be reducing your stress, not causing more of it.
Her sabah güzeldir. Çünkü her sabah bir başlangıçtır.
ReplyDeleteDon’t chase people. Be Yourself. Do your own thing and work hard. The right people, the ones who really belong in your life will come to you and stay.
ReplyDeleteSaati seyretme; saat gibi yap. İlerlemeye devam et.
ReplyDeleteA calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.
ReplyDeleteI salute the man who is going through life always helpful, knowing no fear, and to whom aggressiveness and resentment are alien.
ReplyDeleteMeasured objectively, what a man can wrest from Truth by passionate striving is utterly infinitesimal. But the striving frees us from the bonds of the self and makes us comrades of those who are the best and the greatest.
ReplyDeleteThere is this my cousin that always been negative about everything and he love to win every arguments, but my problem is that i know how to push people away from me, so i tried to change him to be positive.
ReplyDeleteI let him know how been negative is a bad behavior.
I thank I'm successful to do that we are happy together now.
As for the search for truth, I know from my own painful searching, with its many blind alleys, how hard it is to take a reliable step, be it ever so small, towards the understanding of that which is truly important.
ReplyDeleteA person who is religiously enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to the best of his ability, liberated himself from the fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he clings because of their superpersonal value.
ReplyDeleteBe not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
ReplyDeleteYou are born to be great
Very true!!! Anyone craving for a best life will always run away from negativity which means running from carriers of negativity, or rather he/she should try influencing those negative people to turn into positive people by way of showing them examples of what positive thoughts can actually help them live a best life.
Once we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward.
Wise men are always with wise friends, positive men are always with positive friends, rich men are always with rich friends.
Good morning everyone, Ilknur thanks for always bringing up interesting topics to talk about. 😀💕
well said my dear
ReplyDeleteShort and clear
ReplyDeleteyes,we have to stay away from negative people in other not to be negative ourselfs
DeleteAlways have a positive attitude in life and all will go on smoothly
ReplyDeleteAlways keep a positive mind, in other to live a positive and successful life
ReplyDeleteIf someone is not making you to grow further that person needs to be deleted in your life
ReplyDeleteNice quote
ReplyDeleteOlumsuz insanlarla yaşamaya da alışık olmak gerekiyor, çünkü sen onları aramadan bile, onların seni bulabilecekleri bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. O zaman, onlarla yaşama alışkanlığı edinmeki lazım ki, mutlu olabilelim.
ReplyDeleteZorlukların göbeğinde fırsatlar yatıyor.
ReplyDeleteEn değerli kişiler alçakgönüllü olanlardır.
Gerçeğin bilgisi deneyle başlar, deneyle biter.
Genelde insanlığın kaderi, hak ettiği olacaktır.
Gerçeği aramak onu elde etmekten daha kıymetlidir.
Dahiliğin mutlak bir sınırı vardır, aptallığın asla.
Dehanın 10’da 1’i yetenek 10’da 9’u da çalışmaktır.
Hayat düşünenler için komedi, hissedenler için facia.
Hayal bilimden daha önemlidir, çünkü bilim sınırlıdır.
Açlıktan karnı guruldayandan dürüst politikacı olmaz.
Yolculuk etmeyi seviyorum ama varmaktan nefret ederim.
Sorunlar, onları yaratanların mantığı ile çözümlenemez.
Evrenin en anlaşılmaz özelliği anlaşılabilir olmasıdır.
İnancı dışlayan bilim topal, bilimi dışlayan din kördür.
Bir hatayı iki defa tekrar etmeyen en mükemmel insandır.
Neden beni hiç kimse anlamıyor, ama herkes beni seviyor?
Böyle olacağını bilseydim, bir ayakkabı tamircisi olurdum.
İnsan aklın sınırlarını zorlamadıkça hiçbir şeye ulaşamaz.
Hiçbir şeyi riske atmamak, aslında herşeyi riske atmaktır.
Bu dünyada beni birkaç kişi anladı, onlar da yanlış anladı.
Güzel gençler doğanın eseridir, güzel yaşlılar ise sanatın.
Eğer gerçeği açıklamak istiyorsan, zarafeti terziye bırak.
Sağduyu, onsekizine kadar edindiğimiz önyargılar toplamıdır.
Aynı anda, hem savaşa hazırlanıp, hem de savaşı önleyemezsiniz.
Büyük idealler uğruna önce küçük bir azınlık savaşım vermiştir.
Herkesin fikir birliğine vardığı bir akşam, kayıp bir akşamdır.
Gerçek yalnızca bir ilüzyondur, ama bitmek bilmeyen bir ilüzyon.
Eleştiriyi kabul etmeyen, başarısına inandıracak kimseyi bulamaz.
Bir ülkenin geleceği o ülke insanlarının göreceği eğitime bağlıdır
Önyargıları yok etmek, atom çekirdeğini parçalamaktan daha zordur.
Hayat bisiklet gibidir,dengeyi kaybetmemek için ilerlemek gerekir.
Takdir ediliyorsan değil, Taklit ediliyorsan başarmışsın demektir.
Ben gelecek için hiç bir endişe duymadım. O yeterince hızlı geliyor.
Gelecekte başarılı olacak insanlar, geçmişten çalışarak ulaşmalıdır.
Eğitim, insanın okulda öğrendiği her şeyi unuttuğunda arta kalandır.
Ancak başkaları için yaşanan bir hayat, yaşamaya değer bir hayattır.
Büyük güce sahip egemen devletler olduğu sürece savaş kaçınılmazdır.
Bilim, her günkü düşünmelerimizin saflaşmasından başka bir şey değildir.
Mutlu olmak istiyorsan, bir amaca bağlan; insanlara ya da еşyalara dеğil.
Aynen mutlu olmak için nasıl ki olumsuz düşüncelerden arınman gerek,aynı şekilde olumsuz ters insanlardan da uzak durmak gerekiyor❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteKesinlikle katılıyorum...
ReplyDeleteSeninle geçen iki saat iki dakika gibi geliyor,sensiz geçen iki dakika iki saat gibi geliyor.
ReplyDeleteIndeed is a big lesson....
ReplyDeleteLoving you everyday ilk
I love you so much
ReplyDeleteA reason to live is a reason to succeed in life
ReplyDeleteDepression makes you a strong being if you conquer it
ReplyDeletePlace your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's the relativity. Einstein
ReplyDeleteI need to remember this 🇬🇧🇹🇷🇬🇧🇹🇷🇬🇧🇹🇷🇬🇧🇹🇷🇬🇧🇹🇷🇬🇧💕⚘💕⚘💕⚘
ReplyDeleteThat's True Dear.
ReplyDeleteHonestly Dear, i no Longer want any Toxicity around me... Tnx
it's always good to let go of people who don't bring positive things in your life. life it's always good to live it at it best
ReplyDeleteLovely word.. love from Nigeria ����
ReplyDeleteMy friends bad enemies are very bad in life
ReplyDeleteYürekIi bir kadının başı, yüreksiz bir erkeğin omuzuna ağır geIir!
ReplyDeleteSen benim sarhoşluğumsun, ne ayıldım, ne ayılabilirim, ne ayılmak isterim!
ReplyDeleteAsla başka insanlar üzülmesin diye kendini üzme. Unutma sen kaldırabiliyorsan onlar da kaldırabilir.
ReplyDeletePositive vibes only
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love this blog with this inspirational quote I’m reading
ReplyDeleteHata yapın:Hiç hata yapmamış bir insan yeni bir şey denememiş demektir.
ReplyDeleteCoşku zekadan daha önemlidir.
ReplyDeleteHayal gücü bilgiden daha önemlidir.
ReplyDeleteEn değerli kişiler alçak gönüllü olanlardır.
ReplyDeleteEn değerli kişiler alçak gönüllü olanlardır.
ReplyDeleteProblemleri onları yaratan kafalarla çözemeyiz.
ReplyDeleteBir insanın zekası verdiği cevaplardan değil soracağı sorulardan anlaşılır.
ReplyDeleteYou can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.
ReplyDeleteCheck your life the kind of friend you are moving with if he is a negative or positive impact.. Choose wisely
ReplyDeleteAmazing ☺️🌹🌹💋❤❤❤❤#Emmanuel
ReplyDeleteFriends can change good attitude to bad attitude so but friends are dengrous they always want are down fall
ReplyDeleteHayatından her kötüyü çıkaramazsın ama mesafenin koyarsın i, s
ReplyDeleteYea, negative people always have their way of doing things even when u try to put them right, that's why its better to stay away. Nice one
ReplyDeleteYea, negative people always have a way of doing things that's why its always better to stay away.
ReplyDeleteTrue that!!!
ReplyDeleteIf I could give you one thing in life, I do give you the ability to see youselfy through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me
ReplyDeleteNegative thought is a bad adventure
ReplyDeleteNegative thoughts Negative ideas and Negative advice comes from negative people around you,
ReplyDeleteOnly when you act negative before you will know them
Stay far from timids. Only make moves when your heart's in it! #tayo
ReplyDeleteIf you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.
ReplyDeleteD'accord j'ai compris
ReplyDeleteLovely words
ReplyDeleteSupper words
ReplyDeleteWords of wisdom
ReplyDeleteOnce we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward.
ReplyDeleteLovely words from a beautiful lady 😚❤❤❤❤❤ am happy to be here love...
ReplyDeleteGood teacher
ReplyDeleteOnce we begin to keep negative people around us, our lives begin to go round and round without going forward and forward no matter how hard we try to move forward, until these sect of negative people are wiped out there's definitely no moving forward.
ReplyDeleteStay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.My world
ReplyDeleteSuper post
ReplyDeleteStay away from negative people because they will bring you down
ReplyDeleteNegative people always try'na convince you to do the wrong deed because they have the devilish solution to your problem and you won't know about that you may just thought you are doing the right thing so therefore always stay away from the negative people
ReplyDeleteAlways stay positive
ReplyDeleteAlways keep a 😊positive mind, and then #you see all are good.
ReplyDeleteYou're such a sweet soul 💕
ReplyDeleteKeep soaring higher dearest
You're such a sweet soul 💕
ReplyDeleteKeep soaring higher dearest
ReplyDeleteSleep is the curse of intelligent people
ReplyDeleteSleep is the curse of intelligent people #
ReplyDeleteSay no to negative minds
ReplyDeleteNothing better than thinking and reflecting on the idea
ReplyDeleteYou are right madam
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.
ReplyDeleteHail to the man who went through life always helping others, knowing no fear, and to whom aggressiveness and resentment are alien.......😃😀🙂🙃
A reason to live is a reason to succeed in life
ReplyDeleteSo nice you have wrote
ReplyDeletePeople come and go in your life but the right ones will always stay...!!
ReplyDeleteDon't depend too much on anyone in this world.Even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness..!!
ReplyDeleteFriendship multiply joy and divide griefs...🥰
ReplyDeleteWhere there is no vision people perish...visualise your dreams fulfill your goals and be the best version of yourself. ...
ReplyDeleteThere are no accidents. Everyone comes into your life for a reason, a lesson or a blessing.😊😊
ReplyDeleteGod please Protect me from my friends I can take care of my enemies be careful with people comes around us because not everyone they intention is good always be careful
ReplyDeletebizim Azərbaycanda bir deyim var mənfi enerji verən insanlara uzaqdan salam sağ ol de get.
ReplyDelete( We have a word in Azerbaijan....Say hello to people from afar and leave )
My first light
ReplyDeletei’m your einstein and you’re my einsteinium ❣️❤️🌹
ReplyDeleteWhen negative people are with you try to offend them with your positive attitude
ReplyDeletehe is a ba sharaf man :D :D :D
ReplyDeletewhy you dont publish new post ???
ReplyDeleteIn every where and every time we found negative people . This does not mean that we give up . because no time to think about failaure ( life is short ) .we must a chieve allour dreams during this short time by trying and trying and never give up
ReplyDeleteAlbert Einsten tiene razón. Solo aquellos que te aconsejan hacer cosas buenas ; son aquellos a quienes debes mantener amistad. Excelente publicación mi amor .
ReplyDeleteI agree with that
ReplyDeleteفي كل مكان وكل مرة وجدنا أشخاصًا سلبيين. هذا لا يعني أننا نستسلم. لأنه لا يوجد وقت للتفكير في الفشل (الحياة قصيرة). يجب أن نحلم بكل أحلامنا خلال هذه الفترة القصيرة من خلال المحاولة والمحاولة ولا نستسلم أبدًا
ReplyDeleteIn every where and every time we found negative people . This does not mean that we give up . because no time to think about failaure ( life is short ) .we must a chieve allour dreams during this short time by trying and trying and never give up
ReplyDeleteلانه لايوجد وقت للتفكير بالفشل. تكون الحياة قصيرة 🌹🌹
ReplyDeleteلا توجد حوادث. الجميع يدخل حياتك لسبب أو درس أو نعمة
ReplyDeleteKaza yok. Herkes hayatınıza bir sebep, ders ya da nimet için girer
ReplyDeleteyou are so charming at the desk 💕
ReplyDeletegreat photos
Blogunuz cok guzel senin gibi 💋 ne
ReplyDeleteانه جميل جدا مثلك تماما 💋💋
ReplyDeleteWell said i totally agree �� .
ReplyDeletelove you
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learnt in life ... Be yourself .. nothing more , nothing else be yourself
ReplyDeletePozitif düşünün suat
ReplyDeleteNegativity isn’t good for all good minds but sometimes you could run away from the reality through it anyway be positive mind
ReplyDeleteIf you want to become successful, then first of all learn to face the problem, because without facing the problem you cannot become successful.
ReplyDeleteHe is very important for all people so Einstein give rules for science, we owe you a lot, I respect him He is very clever person
ReplyDelete“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”
ReplyDeleteImagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
ReplyDeleteLook deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
ReplyDeleteyou are genius
ReplyDeleteAlways positive
ReplyDeletePlace your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's the relativity. Einstein
ReplyDeleteأحياناً يكون واجب عليك أن تعتذر لنفسك عندما تترك المجال مفتوح لشخص لكي يكرر معك نفس الخطأ.
ReplyDeleteBazen birisinin sizinle aynı hatayı tekrar etmesi için alanı açık bıraktığınızda kendinizden özür dilemek görevinizdir.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it is your duty to apologize to yourself when you leave the space open for someone to repeat the same mistake with you.
ReplyDeletees grandioso este texto y su relacion con la realidad practica. y puede que esto suceda muy a menudo. caemos en el avismo de la negatividad y no nos damos cuenta... tal vez Einstein tiene mucha razon
this text and its relationship with practical reality is great. and this may happen very often. we fall into the warning of negativity and we do not realize it ... maybe Einstein is very right
ReplyDeleteI love this blog with this inspirational quote I’m reading
ReplyDeleteالشخص المهم فى حياتك ليس الشخص الذي تشعر بوجوده ولكنه الشخص الذي تشعر بغيابه .
ReplyDeleteThe important person in your life is not the person you feel existed but the person you feel absent.
ReplyDeleteHayatınızdaki önemli kişi, var olduğunu düşündüğünüz kişi değil, yokluğunu hissettiğiniz kişidir.
ReplyDeleteYou have to pray for negative men, that they will leave the path of negativity.
ReplyDeleteAimez tout le monde , et faites du bien à tout le monde , car Dieu aime ça .
ReplyDeletePerfect 🤩
ReplyDeleteMake good thing .
ReplyDeletePray for them.
ReplyDeleteBest Life
ReplyDeleteYou Are The Best Ever Our Firstlight 💃🏃♂️
Eres el mejor de todos, nuestra primera luz 💃🏃♂️
We make our lives be BEST with you The Best Life The First Light ��
Hacemos que nuestras vidas sean las MEJORES contigo La mejor vida La primera luz ��
Became The best on thé best Light thé first Light ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteверуйте в Господа Иисуса Христа и в Бога, и вы будете спасены вы и ваша семья.
ReplyDeleteWe love this blog. And of course we love you too, İlknur ... You have always been very successful. Your road is very clear. Our prayers are with you. WE KNOW YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL. Together we are always the best ...
Who is your breath of life? Who fills your life? Who gives you food? Who saves you from the hand of your enemies? Who woke you up today? Who gives you happiness? Who gives you joy in your heart? Who gave you your little child? , which ensures that you always have your personality respected and maintained in everyday life ?, which causes your activities to evolve ?, who gave you wealth? Without delay, here I give you the real answer: * It is the only God the father, and his beloved child, the Lord Jesus Christ * What do you think?
ReplyDeleteIf someone says he is doing the works of God, and he does not believe in the beloved only son of God * Lord Jesus Christ *, then that person is mistaken. For, the works of God is to believe in him whom God sent to save the world. * Lord Jesus Christ *. No one will go into the kingdom of God without the Son of God. * The Lord Jesus Christ *
ReplyDeleteGood morning and you are my life that I start my day,
ReplyDeleteLife is so short and goes by fastly. We must make it be the best with you Firstlight. We love you... Keep being TOP 🔝
La vida es tan corta y pasa rápido. Debemos hacer que sea lo mejor contigo Firstlight. Te amamos ... Sigue siendo TOP 🔝
Love 💗 love love everything is LOVE for the best life. As soon as we start our new fresh day we think what Firstlight post on the blog for us both today for making us happy 😃 we are truly so happy here ❤️
Amor 💗 amor amor todo es AMOR por la mejor vida. Tan pronto como comenzamos nuestro nuevo día, pensamos lo que Firstlight publica en el blog para ambos hoy por hacernos felices 😃 estamos realmente tan felices aquí ❤️
If God could give a beautiful face or beauty to the flowers of the bush, then God will also give beauty to your life. for it is for your sake that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified so that you may have salvation.
ReplyDeleteYou are my first and last love, and the topic is over
ReplyDeleteI see the beauty of the world you, I love you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteThe best thing is to help the negative person in his life to change his way of life, if you do not succeed in convincing him, run away from him or infect you with his own negative virus, and you will end up like him.
ReplyDeleteI love you and you will always find me at your side in everything❤❤❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteYou are the last thought before bed, the last one in the morning, and the last thought throughout the day❤❤
ReplyDeleteالحب له أنواع كثيرة لكن حبي انا لكي مختلف حبي لك من النوع الخاص، حبي لكي سوف يحير عقول العلماء والفلاسفة الحب
ReplyDeleteYou are the most beautiful, you are the most beautiful
ReplyDeleteDo not sit with negative people, they will take away positive energy from you
ReplyDeleteأنتي قلبي وصديقة روحي و حبيبة وحدتي ونبض قلبي و أتمنى يوما أن تكوني لي ضلا لا يفارقني
ReplyDeleteعندما أحببتكي تغيرت حياتي و أصبح حبي لكي شيء جميل في حياتي
ReplyDeleteحبي لكي هو من سيحير عقول العلماء
ReplyDeleteلا يهمنى كم أبقي من العمر المهم سوف أبقى أحبكي عمري كله
ReplyDeleteلو كنت أحبكي كثيرا فأنا أزداد أضعافا لأجل حبكي ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteبعدكي علي يزيدني عشقا لكي كل يوم و أكثر
ReplyDeleteكل ساعة ودقيقة يصبح حبي لك أكبر
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete❤❤ ❤❤
ReplyDelete❤ ❤ ❤
❤ ❤
❤ ❤
كنت أرسمها على عندما كنت صغيرا ولم أكن أعرف لماذا
اما الأن صرت أحبكي أحبكي أحبكي أنتي فقط
سأبقى أحبك بقلبي وعقلي وروحي
ReplyDeleteسأضل أحبكي حتي أخر نهاية أنفاسي
ReplyDeleteسأضل أشتاقكي و أفتقدكي و أعشقكي
سأبقى أحبكي ويردد لساني إسمكي
سأضل أكتب لكي قصائد الشعر
انتي فوق كل النساء
ReplyDeleteYou have always been a sincere and responsible person, and you have always achieved your goals. Good luck for the future ones!
ReplyDeleteMay your life be full of happiness, success, and love and may sorrow never enter your home. Sending my best wishes to you!
Nothing is easy. Nothing is free. If you want to have success, you have to pay the price.
ReplyDeletethe firts ligth, the first love
ReplyDeleteLook we shouldn’t effect by the negative minds but Albert was the one
ReplyDeleteOf the best scientists who changed the world by their
Thoughts with a better way but we all did mistakes n act sometimes
Negative mind bout something won’t be cleared for us
So nobody has the perfection but we act positive mind n incredibly is the
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attraction and it is more important than knowledge.
ReplyDelete-By Albert Einstein
This blog is the best blog ever & We are the best together 🤩
Este blog es el mejor blog de todos los tiempos y somos los mejores juntos 🤩
Fresh Day
ReplyDeleteFresh Blog
Fresh Life
Love You and Your Blog
Best You and Your Blog
Be Always With Us
Keep Going 💞____
Día fresco
Blog fresco
Vida fresca
Te amo a ti y a tu blog
Lo mejor para ti y tu blog
Estar siempre con nosotros
Sigue adelante 💞
Live the life with The Best Life The First Light 💡
Vive la vida con The Best Life The First Light 💡