5 Steps to Learn From Mistakes

There are two types of people. Those who let mistakes throw them off track and give up and those who emerge from them all the stronger. Here you will learn why failures in life are completely normal and how you can learn from mistakes.

When we observe successful people, we often tend to say that they are lucky or have a good hand. The reason is relatively simple: by doing this, we evade responsibility. After all, the others were just lucky and we weren't.

Unfortunately – or fortunately – life is not quite that simple. Certainly the element of chance and a little bit of luck in everyday life also play a role. But the reason why some people are happier and more satisfied is often a completely different one. Successful people possess an insatiable level of motivation and self-discipline . They always have their goal in mind and stick to it no matter what.

For successful people, mistakes are an integral part of life. They are not bad or dramatic for them, nor do they have anything to do with good or bad luck for such people. They don't even think about failing, they just do their thing.

Growth only comes from outside the comfort zone. So when you do things that you don't usually do and thus grow beyond yourself. However, it should be logical that there are also risks that can lead to mistakes where you have never been before. How do you want to be sure of mastering something you are trying for the first time? Mistakes don't necessarily have to be bad. Do not you think?

learn from mistakes

The greatest mistakes in human history 

One of the best examples of the importance of not giving up the first time you fail is the invention of the lightbulb. It took Thomas Alva Edison a whopping 9,000 attempts before his invention worked. When his employee, after 1,000 attempts, said, "We failed." wanted to give up, Edison replied one of his most famous sentences. 

"I didn't fail - I discovered 1,000 ways that didn't work." Thomas Alva Edison

A similarly momentous error occurred in 1492 when Christopher Columbus wanted to make his way to Asia. Unfortunately, his planning was based on the information provided by the geographer Poseidonios, who had calculated the circumference of the earth a fifth too short.

The invention of the light bulb resulted from numerous failed attempts. The result of numerous failed attempts: the invention of the light bulb. Coupled with a second error that caused Columbus to miscalculate nautical miles, he believed Asia was closer than it actually was. We are all familiar with the consequences: in the end, he did not reach Asia, but the continent of America, which had not been discovered by Europeans until then.

The moral of both stories: Mistakes don't just happen, sometimes they are even necessary. And in very few cases do we know where our supposed failures can lead us in the long term. It is therefore extremely important to mentally anchor a sovereign handling of mistakes. 

Had Edison let his collaborator discourage him, or had Columbus turned back because of his crew's approaching mutiny; our story would have been very different.

Reduce the risk of failure

Before you learn how best to deal with mistakes, you should remember a few principles on how you can avoid the majority of mistakes. Sounds easier than done? But it is not.

The right planning

One of the main reasons why we fail in life or why things go wrong is often a lack of planning. It is not at all about calculating every project, no matter how small, neatly on the drawing board, but simply about briefly checking the basics and having a rough timetable in mind. 

If you have a great idea, it is far from good to wait too long to implement it. Ideas should be tackled while you're still really passionate about them. Nevertheless, you should think about possible risks for a moment and sleep on it for a night. 

If the idea is still burning in you the next morning, you should create an effective goal plan. 

The right amount

Especially highly motivated people ("doers") usually have thousands of ideas and projects in their heads. They often don't really know where to start. They therefore tend to want to implement too many of these ideas at once. 

As difficult as it may be for you: try to concentrate on one thing or a few things and work through your goals consistently one after the other, unless you can delegate them. 

It is of no use to you if, for example, you put 25 percent of your energy into four different projects and therefore make little or no progress. Set priorities and try to focus the energy available to you on as few goals as possible at the same time. This way you will notice possible risks much sooner than if you are distracted by something else.

The right handling

Whether it’s studying, a business idea or sporting ambitions: no matter what your goal may be, pay attention to who you spend your time with. There is hardly anything more unnecessary than people in your personal environment who constantly want to convince you that you cannot do something. 

Instead, surround yourself with positive people who are kind to you. People who either pursue their own goals or even have the same goals as you. The danger of failing with such people at your side is many times lower than with people who are just waiting for exactly that to happen. 

Optimistic people who can understand your striving can support you with their own experiences and point out risks. Therefore use the experiences of these people who stand by your side. You can thus nip a large part of potential errors in the bud. 

Learning from mistakes made easy

admit mistakes

Making a mistake or suffering a failure is part of life, you've already experienced that. However, it becomes problematic if you do not want to admit the mistake. Of course you shouldn't give up too quickly, but sometimes that's exactly what it has to be. 

Ask yourself if you really still have a chance or if this round (not the whole game) is just lost. Not making mistakes can cost you a lot of time if you stick to your plan even though it really (!) worked. Even if it hurts sometimes, be honest with yourself. Learn to recognize when it's time to admit defeat. 

Be critical of yourself

Failing is one thing, acknowledging it is another. The next level, however, is being able to be so self-critical that you can admit to yourself when you screwed up.

This brings us exactly to the topic that we have already addressed at the very top of the introduction. It is easy and convenient to look to bad luck or fate for the cause of failure. Unfortunately, that doesn't help you at all. You will never grow with this way of thinking, because you constantly assume that failures are solely due to the environment and others.

Analyze the situation as objectively as possible. Was it really bad luck that the wrong questions were asked in the exam? Or isn't it much more the case that you just couldn't have learned more?
Once you have identified the reasons for your failure, there are exactly two options. Either you work on those reasons to be better prepared next time. Or you realize that you are on the wrong track and should actually be doing something else.

It takes something to be able to admit such things to oneself. This is especially true if you have always blamed others for everything in your life. But you will see that you will get much further with this attitude. 

Accept and plan for mistakes

In our society, mistakes are all too often stigmatized. In many areas of our lives, where everything is geared towards performance and perfection, it seems as if mistakes simply shouldn't happen.
This view is wrong. People are not perfect, none of us are. Mistakes happen and are part of life. Therefore, instead of seeing them as things that simply shouldn't happen, get in the habit of seeing mistakes as an important part and, above all, as a necessity.

Count on mistakes, be happy about them - as long as they are not life-threateningly dramatic. Because with every mistake you make and analyze, you become better and stronger. By painting mistakes in your life positively in this way, you take away their negative impact on your mood. 

Act confidently

Are you one of those people who – felt – constantly make mistakes? Caution. If you answered yes to these questions, there is a problem that we urgently need to work on. What is meant is not the problem that you constantly make mistakes, but your inner attitude.

There is such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy , according to which things that you only tell yourself persistently enough will also happen because you think about them all the time and are therefore unconsciously working towards them. So if you make a disproportionate amount of mistakes, it could be because it's just happening because you're constantly afraid of making any mistakes.

Change your attitude by sharpening your self-confidence . Use the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy in your favor. Instead, tell yourself how good you actually are and that you can do this and that with your left hand. You will be amazed how much the right attitude plays into this and how much the inner attitude influences your own error rate.

Take a deep breath and keep going

Get in the habit of not dwelling on mistakes for too long. After you spot a mistake, take a moment to discuss the reasons. This way you can avoid making the same mistake again in the future. But you should leave it at that.

The worst thing you can do is spend days getting upset about the failure or even blaming yourself. You're not doing yourself any favors and it only eats away at your self-confidence.

Take failure for what it is in the first place. As a necessary evil of life, from which you can grow if you want to.
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  1. 👏⁦👏👏👏👏💓💓💓💓

  2. Great 🫣❤️

  3. (1)Acknowledge your mistakes. When you make a mistake, try to admit it as soon as you can, and apologize if necessary. ...
    (2)Analyze your mistakes. ...
    (3)Get feedback. ...
    (4)Find lessons. ...
    (5)Make a plan to apply lessons. ...

  4. mistake is acceptable, only if we are ready to learn from it and promise not to repeat them in future. Take a look at these inspirational learning from mistakes quotes with inspiring and motivational messages.

  5. AM
    mistake is acceptable, only if we are ready to learn from it and promise not to repeat them in future


    1. mistake is acceptable, only if we are ready to learn from it and promise not to repeat them in future. Take a look at these

  6. my favorite line "I didn't fail - I discovered 1,000 ways that didn't work." Thomas Alva Edison

  7. Great article

    Mistake is inevitable but learning from it and getting better is what makes us powerful or more superior in our community

    As humans we're expected to learn from our mistakes.

  8. الانسان يتعلم من خطه فقط

  9. الانسان ليس معصوم من الخطء

  10. اختر اصدقاء الدين يتمنون لك الخير 👍🏻

  11. ضع هدف وامشي نحوه

  12. Happy New 2023 Year
    My Best Blogger
    First Light
    Love you much ❤️

  13. 📌 So much to learn here, I am still reading this article over and over again, with an article like this full of wisdom one can never get tired of reading it.

    📌 The stories of the the man who invented light bulb and the man that found American continent is really touching, I tried to put myself in their shoes and I realize it took them great courage to actually make their dream come through and knowing that they're the reason millions of people now have access to light bulb and travel to America with ease makes my heart jump up anytime I think of them.

    📌 Mistakes are really an essential part of our lives as it helps us do better if only we can admit that we make mistakes and put ourselves together to try again.

    📌 Without mistakes we can never reach perfection so we must see it as a stepping stone to greater height.

    📌 No matter how many times we fail we only remember the time we pass, with this mindset we can keep moving forgetting if failure even exist.

    📌Failure to continue fighting despite past mistakes is failure indeed!!!



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