Motivate Yourself - That's How It Works!

It can be really hard to motivate yourself sometimes! So are there any tips and tricks on how to pull yourself together and get started? Sure, reveals our expert...

Motivating yourself – high art or really easy?

Motivate Yourself

Sometimes it takes more than just words of encouragement to take action. So it would be perfect if we could draw on a kind of tool box for motivation boosts. We have summarized just such a small case of such work equipment that supports us in a motivating manner here. Now all you have to do is decide which tool of self-motivation or self-management is the right one in which situation.

1. Set realistic goals

do you know your goals Not only your next holiday destination, but also goals in sport, at work, for your health, for your family? If you had to elaborate on them today, would you have an answer ready? If you don't have goals, you can't get anywhere, you can't follow concrete plans and you rarely achieve success. The latter in turn affects self-confidence and one's own energy balance.

2. Strengthen strengths

The more you are able to contribute your skills, the more motivated you are when it comes to your tasks. If you feel underchallenged, your motivation drops, if you feel overwhelmed, the same. Hand on heart: Do you know where your strengths lie? Do you believe in yourself and trust yourself? Those who have full access to their potential and use their resources to achieve goals get to the top. The better you know yourself and your strengths, you are aware of your self-worth, the less pressure you come under.

3. Self-motivation through trust

Everyone surpasses themselves when they are valued. Bosses get the best when they value their team, recognize, encourage and promote performance. You should therefore signal to your employees that they trust in their abilities and rely on their own responsibility. In doing so, they strengthen the self-esteem of their team and motivate them to continue to get involved. On the other hand, those who only practice negative and unconstructive criticism cause stress. The self-confidence and motivation of the employees decrease.

4. Fun as a success factor

Joy and enthusiasm are tools that fuel the engine of motivation - like logs that keep the fire going. When we are enthusiastic, we learn new things more easily and are more ready for challenges. If you don't enjoy your work, nobody can achieve top performance. If you want to create enthusiasm, you have to be passionate about it as a leader. Many bosses underestimate how much their own attitude influences the performance of their employees. The mental and emotional strength of a team is fed, among other things, from the joy of the work, from mutual success, from having fun together. Anyone who enjoys a task also masters it. Studies show that happier people function better. There is a proven correlation between happier employees and better business outcomes. Bosses who think that they don't pay their employees to have fun on the job have not yet recognized the benefits of this.

5. How you influence your motivation

Think about it: What are your five most important motivators to achieve goal X? (e.g.: the great feeling after a run or a hike, dealing with your diet, the good mood in the running group, the positive effect of the training on your sleep)

What are the benefits for you if you pull yourself together? (e.g. write a report this evening: I will then have time for the thriller later, I can sleep half an hour longer tomorrow morning, I sleep with a clear conscience, I can make a step forward with my work, I am free from writing reports for the next few weeks, etc.)

Clarify what really needs to be done.

Motivate yourself with visualization.

Reward yourself for completed and fulfilled tasks.

Create concrete action plans.

Highlight the positive sides of your task/goal:

What makes it attractive, interesting, important, meaningful to you?

How have you motivated yourself in the past?

How does it feel when you're on target?

What sources of power are available to you?

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  1. You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

  2. When you think it’s too late, the truth is, it’s still early

  3. It was wonderful

  4. Like I said in the previous post, the best motivation is the ones we tell ourselves not some magicians or prophet or blogger because no matter what they tell us, if we don’t believe in it then it can’t happen.

    Motivation comes from bad or good situations, motivate yourself to come out of a bad situation and motivate yourself to get better in a good situation 😊

    Life is like a rollercoaster it goes round and comes around…we just have to keep motivating ourselves no matter what because success is a continued journey, never ending !!!

    Stay calm, think straight, put behind negativity and try to picture a big table in front of you (big future) think of what you can do to get there, that’s it…that’s a sign of motivation!!!

    Love you all💕💕💕 and you ilknur❤️❤️❤️

  5. Happy New 2023 Year
    My Best Blogger
    First Light
    Love you much ❤️


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